Educator Spotlight: Andi Webb
Happy January everyone! This month we are shining a spotlight on an educator. Andi recently participated in a Sea Turtle Exploration workshop at the Aquarium and used some of the curriculum with her students. Learn more about her below!
Andi Webb
Subject/Grade level taught
I teach K-5th grade remediation in all subject areas. I have taught kindergarten, first, and second, including looping with the same students for three years. I served as the instructional coach for three years and am currently the mathematics coach.
Alderman Road Elementary, Fayetteville, NC
How long have you been teaching?
18.5 years
Favorite thing about being a teacher
I love the excitement children bring to the world and their enthusiasm. I love that no two days in teaching are the same and there are many ways I can challenge myself to grow. I am most passionate about global education and the environment.
Most challenging thing about being a teacher
It is a huge challenge to attempt to balance the demands of teaching and the sense of responsibility to a profession that is so impactful while maintaining a personal sense of self too. I have yet to learn the balance. I’m still working on it.
When/how did you become interested in sea turtles?
I am honestly not sure how I became interested in sea turtles. I love animals and have watched my mom rescue turtles many times. My mom once rescued a turtle from the road and took it to the veterinarian since it was hurt. It ended up passing away but they were able to save its two babies; she was carrying eggs at the time. Knowing the impact of our actions on sea turtles makes me particularly interested in what I can do to help, as well as ways to inform children so they can also help save them and their habitats.
How did you use the sea turtle curriculum in your class?
Other than reading books about sea turtles, I had never purposefully taught about sea turtles in a specific way until attending the workshop at the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher.
Student feedback on the sea turtle curriculum
They loved it!
How will you incorporate the sea turtle curriculum into your classes in the future?
I would like to continue to teach specific lessons about sea turtles, particularly now that I am more accurately informed. I hope to take additional workshops that may be offered. It’s also my hope to participate in an Earthwatch expedition with sea turtles. I have served as a teacher fellow with Earthwatch twice.
What is a New Year’s resolution you have either for yourself as a teacher or for your class?
I hope to be able to participate in some amazing learning opportunities I am applying to this year. I want to be happy and take some chances on new things.
Thanks so much for answering those questions, Andi! If you would like a chance to be spotlighted in one of our blog posts, feel free contact us and let us know what you and your students are doing to help sea turtles. Speaking of turtles, the hatchlings are growing bigger every week. This week, hatchling A is 602 grams and 15.2 centimeters while hatchling B is 561 grams and 15.3 centimeters. Follow their growth chart here.