Adopt a Turtle

This school year, join the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher as we care for a loggerhead sea turtle hatching.
Your class can adopt the turtle and learn about its care and growth. By adopting our sea turtle, you receive weekly updates with information including the animal’s current weight and length. Each class also receives a certificate of participation.
We even align the adoption to the new Common Core Standards. Using this lesson, your class can chart and graph the turtle’s growth over the course of the year. This information also connects with our “Build Your Own Hatchling” activity. Weekly updates include a variety of other resources such as videos, photos and aquarium updates.
If you are interested in adopting a turtle, please fill out this form.
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Please note, all adopted animals remain in the care and custody of the NC Aquariums and no ownership rights are conferred. Due to their popularity, the sea turtles may have multiple "parents." While we encourage you to “adopt” our turtles, we do not recommend bringing turtles into your classroom. If you are considering bringing turtles into your classroom, please read this first.